3 Types of Molybdenum Chemicals and Their Uses

The history of Molybdenum dates back to 1781 when Peter Jacob Hjelm discovered it grounding molybdic acid and carbon together heated to red heat. It is not available naturally on earth. Palvi Chemicals is a noted name as Molybdenum manufacturer in Colombia . Palvi Chemicals is also a Molybdenum chemical exporter in Colombia and Molybdenum chemical supplier in Colombia. In this blog post, Palvi Chemicals lists 3 types of Molybdenum chemicals and their uses in wide range of industries: Sodium Molybdate Sodium Molybdate (Na2MoO4) is a source of Molybdenum composed of 2 sodium cations in coordination with 1 anion. Sodium Molybdate is in high demand in the agricultural industry particularly in broccoli and cauliflower farming. Sodium Molybdate is also used in corrosion inhibition as it enhances the corrosion protection of carboxylate salt liquids. Sodium Molybdate is used for water treatment applications. In water treatment applications, it is a substitute for sodium nitrit...