10 Quick Facts about Phosphoric Acid

Categorized as a weak acid, phosphoric acid is very popular and highly used. Extracted from the phosphate rocks, this is also termed as a mineral acid. It is also called as Phosphoric(V) Acid and Orthophosphoric Acid. As the best Phosphoric Acid Distributor in Qatar , in this blog, Palvi Chemicals explains 10 quick facts about Phosphoric Acid: #1) Phosphoric acid has many uses in several industries. Popular industries that use phosphoric acid are personal hygiene care, food and beverage, agriculture, animal and poultry feed, fuel cell applications, phosphate fertilizers , pharmaceutical and others. #2) The most popular use of phosphoric acid is – it is used for the removal of rust from different metals. #3)Phosphoric acid is also used as an electrolyte in oxyhy drogen generators and fuel cells. Palvi Chemicals is ranked among the top Phosphoric Acid manufacturers in Qatar. #4) By features, phosphoric acid is colorless, odorless and inorganic. Phosphorous acid is non-h...