Did You Know the Non-Newtonian Fluid can be made from Corn Starch?

Starch processed from corn or maize is known by its derivative name, corn starch or maize starch. The starch obtained in this way originates in the kernel's endosperm. Corn starch, commonly known as corn flour, is frequently used to thicken liquids like soups and sauces. It's a key ingredient in the production of corn syrup and other types of sugar. The by-product of maize processing, corn starch (or corn flour) is used in a wide variety of foods and other items. It is a carbohydrate that is refined from corn kernels. It comes in powder form and has a white colour. It has numerous applications in the home, kitchen, and kitchens of various businesses. The most common application for maize starch is as a thickener in various dishes such as stews, sauces, pies, soups, glazes, casseroles, and much more. Corn starch manufactured and supplied by the most prevalent as well as reputed Corn Starch distributor in Ajman - Palvi Chemicals, does not contain gluten and can be substituted ...